Then, once upon a Thursday afternoon, a young rabbit mother tragically left her 3 week old babies as orphans and a simple house-sitting assignment suddenly got complicated. Simon leapt into action to make sure the little ones had a chance at survival. He called in a favor from a family friend who's sister ran a rabbit farm.
We drove over to the farm, just a short way from home. Suddenly I remembered that this is real country - look at this view! There were padlocks carved into the rolling hills as far as the eye could see and hardly a sign of town - even though this view is looking towards downtown Lara.
The sister generously took time from preparing her little girls for a birthday party to give us life saving tips. Actually, it was quite simple: At 3 weeks the bunnies should be ok, she said, since they've usually begun weening at 3-4 weeks. As long as they'd already started to eat they'd be ok. She pointed out a bush that she referred to as "lysine" (which as far as I can tell is a chemical compound with lots of health qualities) that would nourish them and give them plenty of moisture. She went to get the birthday party girls ready, and we started clipping branches.
We followed orders: "Take home a boot-full."
Back at home the babies munched happily and after a day look like they want more room to jump around. Take a look:
This morning Simon called me after checking on the other animals and announced that the other rabbit had a litter over night. He almost brought them over to keep a close eye on them, but a friend is staying at the house for the rest of the week so she'll look after them.
Our bunnies are in a happier home for the moment - in the garage.
But did I mention the dog is staying with us too?
Speaking of which... someone needs a walk.
Who knew you're place would start to look like the Schnecks.....Carol would be proud!